A week in which we have been organising and packing. Mostly books. Boxes and boxes of them. It takes up so much time, as we take them from the shelves, stack them into the boxes, then exclaim over forgotten gems. So, I might find John sitting leafing through Erich Fromm, or I could be caught sprawled on the sofa, engrossed in Rumi - even James can be found delving into a box to retrieve Katie Morag.
Trying to work out what we will take with us, what we will leave, and what kristine will need in her new flat. Now we know where that will be and what size the rooms are, we can plan things a lot more effectively.
So - what else can I say? Stuff! Too much of it. I have already confessed elsewhere about the six dead laptops we came across in a cupboard - i could ask for the spaghetti factory explosion of leads and chargers from long extinct weee equipment to be taken into consideration. I am pleading guilty to owning a mountain of CDs that we will never listen to, whilst a large hill of empty cd cases slumps beside it. We haven't even opened up the loft yet! And yet we are not unique in the amount of clutter we have. Think of all those lofts, cupboards, cellars, drawers, handbags, sheds and garages all over the world. It blows my mind!
we have been breathing in as much of the Spring air as we can, and reveling in the beauty of this garden for our last few weeks here. We see the violets and Spring bulbs bloom in their familiar spots, and are stopped by the bright sunny face of the first dandelion. Lemony sorrell suddenly bursts through and we marvel at the delicate crimson tips of the daisy. All through the cold winter, this growth has been slowly, secretly beginning, but now it is gathering pace - speeding up and off it goes!
The hens are all laying, Erin is growing and changing all the time, and the weather has been gorgeous. It even looks like one of Santa's elves has come out to enjoy some spring sunshine! Hope you all can take some time out to enjoy the season.
Ah well - back to the workshop. Oh -but look -here are my old Bunty annuals! Sshh - maybe I'll just risk one eye... ;)