Friday, 18 December 2009

Here come the girls...

Those bold brassy Pizza girls.  Every time I go into the garden they come marching after me in a most determined fahion. - reminding me of the great song by Ernie K Doe..

They had noticed me heading down to the leek bed with my fork, and didn't want to miss out on the chance of a free lunch.. They are called the Pizza Girls because when we got this current group of ladies earliers in the year, James decided to call his one Pizza - his obsession at the time.  We could nver work out which one it actually was, so they all became Pizzas

Anyway -  to warm us up a bit -here is the title song.  Hairbrushes at the ready now...


  1. So funny. Your son seems to have the farmer's robust attitude to the naming of animals. We have friends who farm south of Edinburgh, and last year the daughter raised a lamb which she called 'Lamb Chop', because, as she said, 'it would be'.

  2. Thats so funny i can see them waddling along whilst the song is playing !! brilliant x

  3. That song will be going through my head all day now! I can see the difficulty in telling them apart. They look very much our "Little"


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