Sunday, 17 January 2010

What is this green and brown stuff anyway?

Well - it's what is left of my small patch of 'lawn' now that the great melting has begun.
But if you look very closely...
....Mother Nature has been very busy under that white quilt she has been wearing

Things are growing.

Everywhere there are tiny signs of spring - like these chives (couldn't resist a little nibble)
and this bright red bud of rhubarb.

and even Summer time has been pencilled in while the garden has slept.

A few casualties though - a pane in the roof

and my harvest of worm juice - sensibly stored in glass bottles (haha) didn't make it,

and the hens moved their daytime court to the greenhouse,  joined on many occassions by Robbie the dog, and assorted wild birds.  They seem to have had a wild time anyway.

It's fantastic isn't it!  In a few days, these leeks will be standing tall and proud again, the greenhouse could be tidied up and glass repaired, I will begin planning that herb spiral you see in progress, the seed catalogues will litter the house, the merits of various tomato varieties will dominate the conversation, and the new  fruit bushes will come out of their temporary home.  There will proably be more snow at some time, but the days will be longer and the sun will be stronger, and this year will be the best gardening year yet!

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