Friday, 12 February 2010

Love where you live

Another day, another walk.  Much closer to home this time. Our town is a fairly dingy, post-industrial /mining community, with many pockets of deprivation, but there re also pockets of beauty and stillness. We have a large extent of moss and heath land just a short walk away from the house.  James was keen to go for another walk, so after lunch we got kitted up and headed out. 

It is amazing to see how he is in nature - there is a pure joy about him that even the best playground can't quite bring out.

So, more piles of leaves.  "Mum - is it still autumn here?"

bouncing on the soft and springy heather,

lucky white heather too!
We loved the patterns of this sphagnum moss.

Wondering if there will be tadpoles yet.

And because we love where we live, we help to look after it by picking up any litter we find on the way home. James loves to help with this too.


  1. Anonymous12/2/10 23:57

    Oh how this post brings me little man is almost 7 now. We still go for walks. Still love it.

  2. Lovely photos and a happy beautiful boy!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is so beautiful where you live. And that little smile is priceless. Thank you so much for sharing your fun on Friday's Nature Table.
    Blessings and magic.

  5. Great post and gorgeous boy xxx

  6. Looks like you all had a great walk but still cold? Mum is it still autumn? Eeeegads-the mere thought of having to do winter over again! :0
    Love those wee bright blue wellies with the knock your eyes out red soles! LOL! Do you have a pair too? more LOL!


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