Saturday, 22 May 2010

Losing track of time.

Where has the time gone?  Well, really we have been taking time to enjoy this wonderful weather.  Whole days  - stretching into long evenings are spent outside, just pottering, and before we know it, the light is fading and tired boys reluctantly agree to go to bed.

Lovely lazy days, taking the time to play - making friends with the bees and other garden creatures, who are also loving the sun.

Sitting watching the sun going down and listening to the glorious sound of the blackbirds' evensong - giving the container plants a cooling nightcap.  We are making the most of this early summer.  Hope you are enjoying it too.


  1. oh my goodness, I adore that last photo, so very beautiful, it has taken my breath away and made me alittle teary .. happy times
    love to you all xxx

  2. love your photos- all of them. The first one with the strawberry is lovely- your son is super cute.

  3. Looks and sounds wonderful!
    Is that a puppet i see in the first photo?
    Hey, seeing James in the pot of sand, did you get up to see them laying the railroad track?


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