Thursday, 23 May 2013


So much going on here in the last couple of weeks, and I've barely had time to catch my breath, never mind update the blog. I hope to post very soon, as there is quite a lot I want to share :)


  1. And what a lovely image to leave us with in the meantime - thank you :)

    Linda - The Tenacious Gardener

  2. Anonymous23/5/13 13:14

    I wondered what you are up to, wow, what a beautiful photo!

  3. Oh, what a lovely view you give us! I could look at this view for a very long time, while my mind traveled, and perhaps new ideas would arise.

    Thank you. xo

  4. I totally understand! I feel the same way sometimes. Lovely photo!

  5. I hope your breaths are full, nourishing and reviving :)

  6. Breathtaking photo, as always! I'm learning to breathe and go with the flow too.

  7. I can totally relate to the lack of time. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you again but take your time and hopefully you can have some time to relax and to format your thoughts. There's no rush.

  8. i hope all is well dear jacqui, hurry back!


Many thanks for visiting me. I love to read your thoughts and appreciate each one. I will respond to comments and queries here, so please check back xx


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