Thursday, 4 September 2014


I've been absent from here for almost two weeks now. To be honest I am pretty much taken up with caring, and working for a Yes victory in the Referendum on Scottish Independence. Polling day is18th September, and the vote is going to be very close. It's exciting, nerve racking stuff, but I am so enjoying it. To see my country wholly engaged in the debate in such a positive way is truly inspiring.

John is still going through his chemotherapy - 2 cycles to go. Its leaving him really quite washed out, but we are focussing on the healing aspects of the treatment. We have been hugely buoyed by your thoughts and prayers.

I am not sure if I will be popping back here before the big day, if not - see you on the other side!


  1. Vivienne4/9/14 23:39

    This particular "other side" is potentially both thrilling and terrifying. I'm struck by how passionate everyone is, both the Yes and No voters. It seems we all want what we see as best for the country but trying to steer our way through the political spin is exhausting. I'll be glad when it's over. I'll also be voting yes, as will my entire family. I completely understand that the most resources go to the places of largest population, ie London, but that leaves us in Scotland out in the cold. There is a big argument for decentralisation, especially in a global age. Referendum apart, what matters on a personal level is family and we continue to hold John and yourself in our prayers. God bless you, Jackie.

    1. Thank you Vivienne - it is a bit scary, but I really believe it is the right democratic decision - and gives us chances we currently don't have.I am truly grateful for your prayers xx

  2. I am so excited for you Jacqui and your country. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out and hope the best for Scotland.
    I know John is worn out from the treatments, but soon it will all be a memory and things can get back to normal.

  3. Good luck w all you are going thru. Life is complicated.

  4. When we visited Scotland about a year ago we got to watch a pro separation march. It was very interesting to see how passionate everyone was from young to older.

    Hope the next sessions of chemo go well for your John. Thoughts and prayers still coming to you from across the big pond.

    God bless.

  5. Anonymous5/9/14 02:26

    From Margie in Toronto - hope that your husband gets through his next chemo session without too much discomfort and without too much exhaustion.
    I'm glad that the referendum is a welcome diversion for you. I envy you all this opportunity and I'm very proud of the way that the majority have behaved and how engaged everyone seems to be.
    I'm from Edinburgh originally but now a Cdn. citizen - but if I had the opportunity I would also be voting YES - good luck with everything.

  6. I think of you and John each day...stay strong.
    It's very possible, when I return next year, it will be a free Scotland....very exciting times!

  7. hi jacqui, i read a lot about the referendum while i was there last month, it was hard to find anything that didn't have an article about it. i'll be watching with interest also. best of luck to you and your husband, sending all positive thoughts.

  8. Hope everything goes well for John with the next 2 rounds of chemo. I will certainly be watching with interest about the referendum.

  9. Holding you all in my prayers. love, Barbara x

  10. Hi Jacqui, the very best of luck to John and yourselves for the next cycle of treatment. The excitement about the referendum is certainly hotting up. As someone who has lived in Ireland, north and south and in England, west and east, I am following the whole debate avidly, momentous times indeed. Have a great weekend.

  11. I have been very interested in the campaign, following you on Twitter. We are visiting the island at the end of the month to house hunt and are very interested in what is happening and how it could/would/may affect the residents. Well done for taking part in this whilst you and John are going through his treatment and I am wishing you all the best.

  12. Anonymous5/9/14 14:33

    All the best to you both, thinking of you. Hugs, Tina xxx

  13. you are both in my daily prayers, good luck with the vote :)

  14. Hello, as I was born north of Hadrians Wall I have always had an affinity with Scotland, visiting often. My thoughts run to Culloden, and all the Scots who died fighting the English rule. For them there can only be one decision.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Smiles, Kate

  15. Anonymous5/9/14 19:47

    Praying for you and John. and hoping for a big YES on the 18th.

    all the best. Barbara C.

  16. Thanks for giving us an update on your husband. I hope all of your hard work pays off on the 18th!! Have a blessed weekend. xo

    ~ Wendy

  17. Pleased to see your post, as have been popping back every so often. Am sure you are very busy. It will be v.interesting to see how it all pans out, it is brilliant to see how much energy it is generating. As an English person I would be sad to see the Union disbanded but I think I'll be even sadder if Scotland doesn't become independent!

  18. Anonymous6/9/14 18:28

    Good for you to work so hard for what you believe in. I've found the level of engagement to be really exciting, amongst young and old. I had a moment of clarity in church the other day, praying for guidance about how to vote. Some of the greatest advances in history (thinking of the Martin Luther King and Ghandi) have happened when people were led by hope rather than by fear. There are no guarantees about what will happen with either scenario (Yes vs. No), but I have to vote for social justice rather than my own personal security. Keeping you and John in my prayers. Xox

    1. Oh Christine - I know it has been such a hard decision for many people, but ope over fear is such a good way of thinking. I have prayed over this too and have really felt that we need to take this leap - i believe it is for the right reasons. Thank you for your prayers - its a hard time - and like independence, we don't have any guarrantees, but are guided by faith xxx

  19. Wishing you all the strength and energy you need for the next few weeks

  20. Jacqui, the upcoming vote is being covered somewhat over here in NYC, but I've also seen found lots of coverage via the BBC (!) and hope that there will be a huge turnout on election day.

    Please also know that I continue to send prayers to you and your family. xo

  21. A fight for life and a fight for the future happening in your life right now. Wishing and praying both the outcomes bring you much pleasure and happiness for many many years in the future. x

  22. Anonymous9/9/14 13:20

    I know exactly what you mean Jacqui, I am excited about the prospect of Scotland finally taking it's place on the global stage but the journey is full of lots of highs and lows. So many people engaging but others unthinking and believing the propaganda the press and media report. I have written a letter to Eilidh and Andrew explaining to them why I am voting Yes as although they play their wee parts they are not quite old enough to realise the impact this decision will have for them and I want them to know we did all we could to win this for them and future generations by trying to inspire and engage people to aspire to a better future. We are a prosperous, progressive country full of clever, creative people lets hope we can do it!

    I also hope John wins his personal fight and am thinking about you all and sending positive thoughts your way.

    Take care

    Claire (Lemno Living)

  23. Sending wishes for success on both accounts! May the Lord be with your family as treatments continue and as the vote approaches!

  24. All the best to you both and your wider family.

  25. Hello all. It is now the 13 and the vote is getting closer. I'm Canadian, so will not be participating, but I think I would vote yes. I asked my husband this morning what he would have voted had he stayed in Scotland (moved to Canada with his family as a young lad), but he said he had no idea. Best of luck with the chemo. I do hope John is not having TOO bad a time of it. It is such a personal journey! Hang in there and remember that we are thinking of all three of you (and the extended family)

  26. Best of luck on both fronts-big hug.

  27. I thought of you first when we found out the results of your vote here in the States. I'm so sorry things didn't go in the direction you wanted them to but I can't help but worry about the horrible state of this world right now and think it might be better for Scotland to stay a part of the UK for now. For whatever reason, now isn't the time. How amazing that there was an 85% voter turnout!!!

    I hope your husband is doing well. As always, prayers are with you all!! xo

    ~ Wendy


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