Sunday, 5 July 2015

Seven Days

A sad start to our week, as we had to say goodbye to our collie, Mick. He had been suffering from a degenerative condition for a few months, but seemed to be managing ok. He became worse after John died and it had come to the stage where we were moving Mick around on a blanket, as he was unable to walk. Sadly, it was the end of the road, and our caring vet had to put him to sleep. He was a good dog, but he was John's dog, We miss him , and still feel his presence in the house, but's nice to think of them together again.

There has been a lot of thunder and lightning this week, and we have watched the storms rolling in on the south wind.

We have enjoyed a couple of evenings of live music down at the visitor centre this week, as a celebration of their 20th anniversary. This is the wonderfully named Raw Peat. They sounded great too!

I found a delicious recipe on a lovely blog, and tried it out that very day - Tuna and herb pasta went down very well, and made a nice change from our usual tuna mayo pasta.

Then, at the end of the week, summer arrived, and we headed straight to the beach.

On the way home from an evening with friends, we stopped in at one of our favourite bays to enjoy the late evening light. Well worth it

And today, after a lazy start, we just went out for a walk around the neighbourhood. Sunny weather, beautiful scenery and the best company - a lovely end to our week.

I hope your week ahead has some sunshine, warmth, good music, delicious food, great company and happy memories. xxx


  1. So sorry about Mick....I've experienced a similar situation with my beloved horse, Bolito. I cried like a baby, holding his reins while the vet administered the meds. Just like Mick, he was in was time for me to let go of him. May you have a joyous week. Enjoy your Summer weather. Thinking of you.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Animals are very sensitive creatures. I hope this is a better week for you all.

  3. We lived in Northamptonshire for three wonderful years and remember watching One Man and his Dog and being amazed at the relationship between pooch and their man. Thought about your lovely husband and dog shepherding together again right now. Hugs from clear across the globe in Washington State USA

  4. I am so sorry about Mick. My sister had to put her Gracie down this week for the same reasons, it's always hard.
    I do love seeing the photo of your James, he is looking so grown up. And your beach, just lovely. I've been at the shore quite a bit these last few days, it's my soul touching place.
    I think of you often as I move about my days and pray that life is treating you well and you are doing well. Much love my dear friend.

  5. So sad to read that Mick is no longer with least in physically.
    I can only believe he is by John's side, together again.
    Beautiful son, I'm sure he's your rock.......

  6. Oh no, so sad, but, it is nice to think of them together again. The storms have been quite something this year. Hugs to you both. x

  7. Such sadness, pets enhance our lives so much but at least you can be comforted that Mick and John are together again. I am over on the East Coast and thus far have avoided the storms, however it is starting to cool down now after the mini heat wave.

  8. Anonymous6/7/15 10:00

    Oh no, so sad. But what a beautiful thought, that they are reunited. Xxxx

  9. God bless you both. xxxxx

  10. Hugs to you both xxxxxx

  11. Jacqui, the profile view of noble Mick is a beautiful image of a very special, loving being.

    You've honored him well in this post.

    I send along continued best wishes to you and James. xo

  12. Beautiful dog back with his master. Always you move me with the way you write of your life. I send my very best of wishes to you both xx

  13. Anonymous6/7/15 18:52

    I so sorry to hear about Mick- you are dealing with such great loss in you and James's life with amazing bravery. That is a beautiful photo of Mick. Ali xx

  14. Hello and sorry about Mick. Really great thoughts indeed and nice of you to share. Best wishes!

  15. so sorry to hear of Mick's loss....i wonder did he just hang on for John...animals are magic like that. my parent's dog had a similar condition and it's a terrible thing for them.

    gorgeous views, as always...i think a bit of my heart lives on your shores. *sigh*


  16. Sorry to hear about poor Mick, they will be sitting side by side enjoying the view from those beautiful islands. Your photos are lovely, I love the red bucket one. Take care, 1 day at a time x

  17. so sorry about your Mick, If only they could live as long as humans do. Now James....he is getting to be quite the handsome gentleman!! He looks tall and much older these days.

  18. Anonymous10/7/15 11:40

    So sorry to hear about Mick. It is consoling to think of him and John together again, though. Wonderful photo of James! Take good care. Xox


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