Monday, 22 March 2010

Book Sharing Monday - For Emma Joan.

Today's Book Sharing Monday post is dedicated to Emma Joan and her family. Blessings and love to them.  It is The Story of the Butterfly Children, by Sibylle von Olfers.  Exquisitely illustrated and simple charming story of the little Butterfly folk, who live in a magical kingdom of beautiful gardens and how they play all day, learning about the flowers, and practice fluttering among the sweet smelling blooms.

At first they are caterpillar children, then chrysalids, and finally, on the first day of Spring, theSsun sends his Sunbeams down to give the children their wings.

Soon all the other butterflies receive their wings
and follow their friends into the air.  They are not
chrysalids any longer.  They have become beautiful
butterflies!  The sky is full of colour as peacock, 
swallowtail, tortoiseshell, red admiral and many
other butterflies dance and flutter all around. How
happy they are to see each other.

Look out for the butterfly children dancing in your garden this year.  

Visit Alex who hosts Book Sharing Monday for more tales of wonder. 


  1. That is a lovely and charming book!

  2. What a beautiful book dedicated to a beautiful angel girl 'Emma Joan' :)
    sue xx

  3. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my sweet friend ... your thoughtfulness has me smiling through my tears.
    all love & care to you xxx

  4. lovely story- The illustrations are so sweet.


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