Monday, 27 February 2012

Seven Days

Another Seven Days gone in a flash, and already fading into the ether.  This week we have been ~

Enjoying splashing in the puddles

Ready to rush out into the storms at feeding time.

Delighted by a picture text from Kenneth, showing off his home grown seedlings,

Grateful to the water board contractors who have been working in the most horrible drenching rain to bring new water pipes to the village, and who find time to stop and run to open my gate, to save me getting wet too.

Thrilled by our first garden harvest of the year - even if it is only a tiny scattering of chives.

Amazed by the technology that allowed us to join in Finlay's 4th birthday celebrations.  So wonderful to see everyone.

Taking advantage of a sunny spell to stop and scramble up a hill on the drive back from the nearest store 15 miles away.

I love to do this weekly reflection. It never ceases to amaze me just how many extraordinary blessings can be found amidst the ordinary. Wishing you many joys to be found in this coming Seven Days.


  1. I love your Seven Days reflection, and will be joining you this week. A great way to look back and see what has been happening around us.

    Have a great week ahead x

  2. What a lovely post. It's making something really positive out of this rather 'damp' weather we've been having lately - I think maybe splashing about in a few puddles would be the answer to brightening the day!

  3. It looks like you are in a very wet season Jacqui, is this normal? We are so dry here, although rain is called for today [my fingers are crossed as I have been disappointed before].
    Love seeing your chives. With the mild winter we had, mine never died back so we will see what happens this summer.
    So glad you were able to enjoy the celebration of your family and that you post for the rest of us to see. Yes, this internet thing is amazing.

    1. Tracey - it has been a particularly wet and mild season this year. Everyone is talking about the amount of water around. The animals are suffering too. Even here on lewis where we get a lot of weather, it is a big talking point.
      Skype is amazing- it was so lovely to join them. xxx

  4. I love your Seven Day roundups too - it gives me a taste of all the "normal" stuff from home. Not that my family are crofters any more or anything, but subtler things like the shapes of buildings, the colours, the clothes. Aaah, I can't wait to see my family in two weeks time and squish about in some mud!

    1. Lol LM - there is a lot of mud around - true glaur.

  5. Yes, I too am a fan of your weekly reflections and the picture they paint of a keen,gentle,and appreciative observer. That view in the last shot is just incredible! Expansive and soothing.

  6. Ben isn't the only only to leave his waterproofs and wellies like that then! Love the seedlings, bet you are so proud :) And Happy Birthday Finlay! xx

    1. hehe - what are they like? And yes i was so pleased with K's seedlings. No matter how far away they go when they are older, they still retain their upbringing :)

  7. Your week looks very wet :) I think spring is here whether we want it to be or not. Love the blue hose photo!

  8. Thank you for the "wishes of joy in the next 7 days". I wish the same for you.

  9. What a great idea - a week in pictures!
    Blessings for this coming week, too!
    Lea's Menagerie

  10. wonderful 7 days as always. shame about the wet weather though. we have been very lucky and had some really hot sunny days. I do hope they continue! hope your all well!!
    Here are my seven days ....

  11. That is a deep puddle! We don't get many of those where I live. So glad you have skype to visit with those far away.

    1. That was the deepest one he found that day. xx

  12. Isn't life just so magical?! :)

    1. Absolutely - wherever you look.
      Love and blessings to you all.

  13. Beautiful pictures! That last photo makes my heart just sing! I have been scheming on how to get back to Scotland since our visit in 2003. I miss it so not to mention the family!

  14. Anonymous27/2/12 19:07

    What a wonderful way to show gratitude. I'm going to have to try it. The last one is so peaceful.

  15. Another lovely look at your life this week Jacqui. Thank you for sharing. :) Wishing you another seven days of special moments xx

  16. Lovely seven days, Jacqui. I am enjoying the wonders of technology too and last week had a chat via skype with my sister who I haven't seen for 12 year and three of my nephews that I have never met. Also not forgetting my nan that I haven't seen for 8 years. My nan was very blown away by technology and wants to buy an ipad.

    1. Hi Deb - i had never used it before, although my son was always nagging me to. it was amazing - my daughter, grandchildren, dad are all in that photo.
      So nice to hear tht you saw your sister and nephews like that - and good for your nan. Wonderful xxx

  17. Love the photos of your week...isn't technology amazing (I really don't understand it!).
    much love to you

  18. Your photos always make me smile.

  19. Oohh I'm glad I'm not working for the water board up there Jacqui. Not in the winter anyway.

    Like the others have said, that last shot is beautiful.x

  20. every 7 days post makes me want to visit, to ask if you have a guest cottage, but alas, I could never be so bold :)

    1. Hi Merlin. So glad you enjoy these posts. We don't have a cottage - we are squeezed into a small bungalow, but their are plenty cheap B&Bs on the island.

  21. dear jacqui, i want to live in the last photo. what a blessed week you've had. and thanks to technology the week isn't gone, it's preserved forever here on your lovely blog. i always love so much my visits here.
    xxx love, lori

    1. Dear lovely Lori - there is a little house for sale along that road....;)

  22. love the last photo especially! truly gorgeous.


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