Thursday 9 September 2010

We went to the woods,

 and we thought we saw a wood sprite flitting in and out the trees!  He was just a blur at first - so fast - where did he go?

Is he hiding in behind a toadstool?

Wait!  Is that him sitting down on that mossy rock?

Quietly now - don't scare him away.

If we're lucky, we might see him doing his Autumn dance.

There are many more sprites and fairies dancing on  Friday's nature table at The Magic Onions


  1. Oh so delightful. is not Mother Nature wonderful.. cheers Marie

  2. I really needed a pick-me-up this afternoon and WOW! That really did it for me. Thank you so much!
    Your photos are gorgeous, love, love, love the leaf crown. It looks like a wonderful day!


    meggs xx

  3. Forgot to mention I also love the new header (wow those photos just pop!) and the new background color.

  4. Every time I see a toadstool in the woods, I think of my old Pookie books. Do you know Pookie, the bunny with wings, whose heart broke, and a beautiful lady sewed it up again? Your post reminded me of my favorite childhood book. Thanks.

  5. This is such fun to read and look at - thanks!

  6. A real wood sprite. That crown of leaves is such a beautiful idea.

  7. I love the crown of leaves it looks wonderful and your photos are so lovely. I realy enjoyed reading your post, thank you.

    Have a wonderful weekend filled with blessing. xx

  8. Just.....beautiful xx

  9. That crown is outstanding! In Arizona Autumn leaves don't join us until well into November. I am ripe with fall crown envy!


  10. So much magic I see there! Really lovely.

  11. Anonymous11/9/10 23:18

    the leaf crown is so beautiful! i love the whimsical feeling of your pictures

  12. I love the leaf crown - so pretty!

  13. Anonymous12/9/10 08:41

    Lovely photos, you have refreshed my spirit with your post. (I've been absent for a while - have you moved? I was listening to 'Farming Today' a couple of hours ago and it came from the Outer Hebrides, farming on the machair in North Uist.)


Many thanks for visiting me. I love to read your thoughts and appreciate each one. I will respond to comments and queries here, so please check back xx


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