Tuesday 17 December 2013

Advent Journey: On Warmth

It's blowing a gale outside, and that wind feels as if it is seeping in through the very walls of the house. We were out the school concert, but now we are back home. Let's stir up the fire and draw near the flames. Throw another couple of peats on and we'll soon be warm. Can you see the  flames rise higher? Do you feel the heat? For four thousand years, it has been forming - mosses, heathers, grasses, wild flowers, insects all lived and died and became that rich black peat that we cut in late Spring, and dry out for our Winter fuel.

 Four thousand Summers have come and gone! Think of what has happened in that time. Civilisations have risen and fallen, new lands have been occupied, so much has changed. If we look deeply into the flames we might see pictures - think of it being like a video recorder! What part of that history would you want to see? 

Imagine if the peat that is burning now is from 2,000 years ago. The growth of the Summers when Jesus walked the Earth are now throwing out their warmth on our hands and faces. Wow - imagine if we could see him - talk to him - ask him things! Wouldn't it be wonderful? 

But, the Good News is that we don't have to go back in time to do that. He is living still - and He will come and be with us if we ask Him to. He will be like a living flame burning in our hearts, keeping us warm when the wind's of the world blow cold.


  1. Beautiful post-thank you!

  2. Such warmth is very appreciated - the wind is cold today!

  3. Wow! I just don't know what to say. Absolutely amazing post! Thank you!

  4. I too have an open fire and the calmness and comfort watching the flames brings is priceless. Next time I light it will be thinking of you and your post here.

  5. Another encouraging post :-)

  6. Thank you all for your warm and encouraging words xxx

  7. Thank you for yours.


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