Friday 12 February 2010

Looking for spring on a winter walk

On Wednesday we took a walk down Rosslyn Glen outside Edinburgh.  It was a cold bright day at the end of winter, and we were looking for signs of spring.

At 3 years old, James has really begun to appreciate being outdoors, and will wander off, independently, exploring whatever takes his interest.  We watch and wait while he runs about, picking up leaves here, and piling them up there, poking sticks into soft banks,.
finding ready made dens to hide in,

looking at tree fungus,

and talking to mossy branches that are really wise old owls in disguise.

And we found spring!  Mother Earth has opened up the door, and the shy snowdrop is first out,

and there is the promise of a harvest of wild garlic soon to be had.
Sometimes though, you come across something unexpected on a nature walk. We found an interesting view of the local sewage treatment works!  

Then, a little further on - a castle in the woods.
James wondered if the Giant would be there, as all castles have giants in them when you are three!
And there is a giant - can you see his face in the stones?
 You never know what ordinary wonderful things you will find until you start looking.


  1. What an excellent and beautiful post Jacqui! All the photos are wonderful along with your clever narrative. Without question, my fav has to be the moss with owls in disguise. 3 of my favorite things all together: trees, moss and owls.
    Thank you for sharing your walk!

    Just fyi Jacqui-twice i have tried following your link the the Friday Nature Table post at The Magic Onions and it doesn't work--page not available.

    Hope you have a magical weekend!

  2. Meg - so glad you enjoyed the walk with us. Old mossy owl was my favourite too. Thanks for letting me know about the link. Took me ages to work out what was wrong, ut have managed to sort it now. xx

  3. That picture of the tree fungus is stunning! It's great to watch children in nature, I'm sure it makes far more memories fo you and them than a playground.


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