Tuesday 12 July 2011

Tricentennial Giveaway

So - this is my 300th post!  I started this blog, then known as The Interrupted Gardener,  back in November 2008 as an encouragement for me to get back to the land.  Who knew where that intention would lead??  In the beginning, it was a very wordy affair - not many pictures, and very bad ones at that - but time moves on and, I hope things have improved a bit.
I love sitting down every night or so and sharing snippets of our world with you all - trivial though it may be, in the grand scheme of things. I am so happy that people read my musings and even take time out to respond to them - very humbling indeed. Thank you - thank you so much,

When I was a child, I used to take my Saturday threepenny bit down to the local grocer's shop to buy sweets.  A favourite purchase was a Lucky Bag - a paper bag with a selection of different sweets, a small plastic toy, a balloon, and if you were really lucky - a packet of transfers (fake tattoos).

As a thank you to everyone for reading and following our exploits, I have made up a special Hebridean Lucky Bag Giveaway -

So - inside this very desirable shopper from the foody heaven that is the Cross Stores in Ness, I have packed a choice selection of various handmade Hebridean crafty goodies, cards, and books. If you would like a chance to win this lovely bag full, then please leave a comment at the end of the post.
If you are a follower, your name will be entered twice - feel free to join us. Comments can be left until 22nd July, when my grandson Finlay will be asked to draw the winning name!
I am happy to ship this worldwide.
Thanks again for reading and best of luck. xxx


  1. Oooh what a great giveaway :D

    I was reading through some of my blog the other day and was just amazed at the journey... when I started it, I would never thought my life would be sooooooooooooo good!

  2. I am so happy to be a follower of yours! I look forward to your posts with your beautiful pictures (makes me want to come and visit).

    I would love a chance to be entered in your fabulous giveaway.

    Congratulations on your 300th post! :)

  3. Wooohooo! Congratulations on your 300th post!
    You are welcome and seriously, thank you for sharing those wonderful snippets that are so not trivial to your followers! :)
    I've been working on getting some things "back" and told the Universe, I want to move somewhere I can live near women like Jacqui and Trish (and others).
    And, I take it that you will be seeing your family again in a week's time-so happy for you for that! Cake time!
    Cheers Jacqui!
    meggs. xx oo

  4. *squeeeee*

    oh, what a gorgeous idea for a giveaway. i used to LOVE those goodie bags....where i'm from it was called a 10 pence Mix-up. you could also get a 25p one as well...but we weren't that well-off....LOL.

    congrats on your 300th post...it's a joy to come here and catch little glimpses of your beautiful family and your wild land.


  5. thanks for the privilege of participating in your draw. how exciting to have written that many posts! it has been a pleasure and delight to get to know you through your writings and comments on my blog. please keep writing and bringing us little pieces of your island living. it is a breath of fresh air.

  6. I do love a giveaway and for your 300th post? wow! Congratulations! It is so nice to visit and learn about your world...it's beautiful.xx

  7. Only new to your blog but your love and enthusiasm for family& life is evident in your beautiful photos and snippets. Such a joy to read,thanks for sharing and congats on your 300th post, looking forward to reading more.X

  8. Yaay, congratulations on your 300th post :)
    I'm so looking forward to the next 300, thank you for sharing a glimpse of your beautiful family life xxx

  9. How generous of you! I've loved reading your blog - it's amazing to see all the things that you do.

  10. Ahh, the days of taking a nickel to the corner store and having the clerk fill a little brown paper bag. I love to read your blog and follow your life. And I enjoy rereading my own, as well, quirky as that may be. I think it helps me be more positive, as I don't want icky things on my blog.

  11. come on Finlay! pick my name. keep on blogging!

  12. What a lovely idea for a giveaway! Like so many of your readers, I'm looking forward to the next 300 posts, and I thank you for being my morning tea companion "across the pond"!

  13. Great giveaway! Congratulations on your many posts. I've really enjoyed reading about your new island life.

  14. I'm so glad I found you recently! Your beautiful, gracious writing and photography are a comfort and an inspiration to me. And I'm just fascinated by this breathtaking place where you live! Thank you for sharing your life with us all. (:

  15. what a precious way to share your 300th blog post! woohoo! congrats! please yes! put me in the draw! i hope you have to end up sending your bag "down under"!

    thanks for sharing your heart and life!

  16. i've enjoyed your blog, and the giveaway is lovely. i'm a follower too!

  17. Hooray, and wouldn't I be the lucky one!! What a very kind thing to do :)

  18. Oh how exciting. Something from the Hebrides. My daughter Meghann spent some time in the Outer Hebrides a few years back and explained that it was her favourite place in the world, and since then that island living crofty sort of life has me intrigued.Love, love your blog. Cheers Kate

  19. Congrats for your 300th post. I am the kinda girl that likenthe WHOLE story so even though I didn't discover your website till recently, I have delved back into your dark distant past and read EVERY post since number one!

    Best wishes for oodles and oodles more,

  20. Congratulations on your 300th post. It's such a fab blog so we hopefully we will be seeing a lot more anniversaries from you.

    I remember lucky bags too.

  21. Congratulations!...They do add up without you realising, do they not?

    I remember when I could get two sweets for a halfpenny...but I only wanted one and they'd stopped using farthings!!

  22. Congratulations on 300 posts!
    I only found you recently and have slowly been reading my way through all your old posts!
    I too remember getting 3d pocket money and spending it in the village shop - you reminded me of those lovely threepenny bits which felt so solid in your hand!
    I'm a follower and hope that Finlay chooses my name!

  23. Your blog has been so lovely to read...very calming words, beautiful pictures, exciting journeys...may they continue to warm my heart xxxx

  24. ally (the Dales, North Yorkshire)13/7/11 08:35

    hello. I so enjoy following your blog, especially seeing the lovely photos that you take. I wish you another 300 happy blogs on your beautiful island. Warmest thoughts to you all x

  25. Haha, that's so cute, don't put me in the give-away, I already have a lovely parcel from you. But lucky bags lol, how retro and adorable.

  26. Lovely, it has been a wonderful journey following your blog - yours is one that inspired me to start mine xxx
    Thank you for the opportunity in the giveaway.

    (trying to think of a giveaway over on my blog as I'm nearly at 500 posts! - watch this space :-))

  27. This is my first visit to your blog and it's lovely. My best friend is from Stornoway and we're planning my first visit in September - I can't wait. Fingers crossed for the giveaway!

  28. Congratulations on 300 posts!!

    I feel like a know you so well through your blog, and your kind words on mine too. Thank you for sharing snippets of your adventures, they are something for me to aspire to.

    Love and blessings


  29. what a great giveaway xx Happy 300th Jacqui , your journey has been so much fun to read x

  30. Happy 300! I really enjoy seeing snippets of your life on a beautiful scottish island - we as a family keep toying with making the move but with the housing market as it is its still yet a thing of dreams - I can get a feeling for island life through your fantastic blog thankyou so much.

  31. Happy Anniversary! What a generous soul you are, please add me to the lucky dip!

    Hugs and Blessings

    San xx

  32. 300? Wow - congrats. I've been reading your blog a while (back to when it was Interupted Gardener) and have enjoyed watching all the changes!

    I'd love to win your giveway.

  33. Congratulations on the milestone, and looking forwards to the next 300! :)

  34. Anonymous13/7/11 14:54

    You are *so interesting* ! Your blog is a little haven to me, a place where I want to tread delicately, and do more listening than talking. But I can't help myself.. because I can relate to the whole world of blogging to those of us who live in a remote place (I do) , for without our connection to the outside world, we'd be potentially very lonely people. Internet chattiness is a most wonderful ballaste for me! Thank you for having your blog, though I am only a brand new visitor. What a crack up about the Lucky Bags you use to get. Love it !

  35. I love visiting your blog, your pictures are always so beautiful and makes me miss scotland. did I tell you that I once had a dream about visiting you...weird! I had to some by helicopter :-) Anyway, very kind of you doing a give away x x

  36. Laura: I'm glad I am not the only one that has dreamt of visiting Jacqui! lol!

  37. Not a follower as I use WordPress rather than Blogger, but still a regular reader - also see you on the GP forum! :)

    300 posts come around quite quickly, somehow, don't they? Love the pictures and feel deeply grateful for the insights into a life somewhere so beautiful.

  38. I SO SO want to win this- not only is the suspense KILLING ME- but I just love anything from the other side of the pond- when we were in Czech Republic and Austria this past spring I drove my husband CRAZY going in to all the supermarkets and any other 'local' shops I could find.
    Thanks for opening it world wide!!

  39. Congratulations on your committment to keep blogging! I write a diary and know what discipline is required. I too love your photos and interesting comments on life in the Hebrides. A real "window" for us all to look through and share. Love the shark's birthday party.

  40. What a lovely idea!! I love your blog, it's great to see you exploring your environment and seeing it all with fresh eyes and sharing it all with us.

    I know when I look back on my blog, my writing style has changed a lot. Here's to many more blog posts from you! xxxxxx

  41. It's been lovely to share your journey with you Jacqui. Such a privilege that we are able to.
    My boys still ask for lucky bags when they spot them but they are where near as much fun as they were when I was little.......or maybe thats just to my grown up eyes?
    Looking forward to many, many more posts.

  42. It is a pleasure to read your musings, it really is. And see your beautiful photos.
    What a great idea for a giveaway, such a sweet idea. I loved lucky bags when I was a child. I think I used to buy them from Woolworths! But, wow, a Hebridean crafty lucky bag, that beats them all!
    Much love.

  43. Have followed you here from the green parent forum :-)

    We've recently moved back out of the city to a little small hamlet in west wales to get back to the country living we grew up with in Cornwall.

    The garden is getting sorted (veg plot sorted first!) and the chickens arrive (with my in-laws) in a couple of weeks so we are settling in well!

    Looking forward to following your journey!

  44. Congratulations on your tricentennial!

  45. Congratulations on your 300th post, I just love your blog and like many others have trawled through the whole lot - totally inspirational.

    Here's to the next 300!

  46. Congratulations on your 300th post!

    As others have said I do love reading your blog, so inspirational

    Michelle x

  47. ~Congratulations~ on your 300th post...

    I see you are only one short of 200 followers too...if I wasn't already...I would join to tip it over from the 199 :~)

    I love your blog ~ what you share about your life; the fact that you are living your dream; and your photos ~ all of it lifts my spirits...thank you....and what a great give~away...thank you for the opportunity Jaqui. x x x

  48. Love your header. And, wow! Happy 300th post. I'm drooling over the crafty goodies.

  49. I love reading your blog. Congratulations on 300 posts! Lovely giveawayX

  50. Congratulations on post 300, hope there are many more. Lovely lucky bag, as a child I was banned from spending my 3d pocket money on them. I was supposed to buy an icecream but the temptation of possible treasure was often just too much. Big like your giveaway really.

  51. Congratualtions on 300 :) Used to love Lucky Bags when I was little, a total treat!

  52. Please enter me in your giveaway. I have visited the wonderful Hebrides and I sooooo long to go back. I love your blog and seeing your lovely photos.

  53. Ooh lovely giveaway, I would so like a little Hebredean collection, out here in Italy I am losing touch with many things and little reminders of far away lands are so inspiring!!!

  54. Anonymous14/7/11 13:57

    I do follow you and would literally if I could hop over the pond to visit! Wuch a lovely place you live, lovely community! Thank you for sharing with us!

  55. Anonymous14/7/11 20:03

    I always love to see that you have a new post up. Your blog is beautiful in a number of ways, and such an encouraging and cosy place to visit. Thank you!

  56. 55 comments and still rising! That'll teach you! Well I remember the old Lucky Bags of my childhood! Hope all's well on Lewis, with fine weather and local fetes aplenty!

  57. Congratulations! Three hundred posts? I hope I have the fortitude to make it that far, and with the enthusiasm that you have.

    I would love, love, love to win your give-away so please enter me!

    Blessings, Debbie

  58. Wow! thank you all for joining in. You are all so sweet - such lovely comments! I am so glad you enjoy visiting, and I hope you continue to come.
    Comments can be left here until 22nd July, and I will link my newer posts back here.

  59. I thought I'd joined in this giveaway, but I can't see me :( What a lovely idea, please count me in, and congratulations on 300 posts and counting :)
    Sue Xxx

  60. Wow, Jacqui, 300 posts! You take such lovely photos. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to. Also, your giveaway is exciting, I love a good mystery :)

  61. I would love to know whats in the bag x

  62. Great idea for a giveaway... Congrats on 300 posts! :)

  63. Congrats on 300 posts - a milestone that is sneaking up on me. When I started blogging I never imagined all the places it would take me, all the people I would meet, and how important they would become to me.

    BTW: Being The Kitten, there's nothing more exciting than a bag full of mystery to explore, and since my birthday is the 23rd... Just thinking out loud here.

    Congrats again!

  64. 300 posts - congratulations !

    I love reading about your crofting life.

  65. Congrats on your 300th post! How exciting. It's so interesting to see where we started and how far we've come, isn't it? Here's to 300 more beautiful posts. :)

  66. Well done 300 posts I love dropping by to see how you are doing . Love from the South Coast. XXX Don

  67. 300 posts?!

    Jacqui I envy your energy levels I really do.

    I've got stacks of weeding to do if you're ever at a loose end (which sadly you never seem to be).

    Thanks again for sharing your superb photographs.

  68. Love your blog. I am a Scots woman that is far from home in Tennessee USA. Your photos and adventures remind me of a time long forgotten.

  69. what a fantastic giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity, and congratulations on having such a fantastic blog!


  70. Great giveaway! I remember those fake tattoo transfers - you had to lick your hand, stick them on and then slide the paper off - they were awesome:)

  71. Congrats on your 300th post! And what a great giveaway! I'd like to enter it if international readers can join ;)

  72. I do not usually are participating giveaways. But I notice this link the third time, I think I have to enter. Thank you!

  73. Anonymous19/7/11 22:14

    I don't know my way round a blog. Tried commenting before when you announced your Cross Stores giveaway but LOST it. So, will keep this short in case the same happens again. I have only recently stumbled on your blog and enjoy it especially as my mum came from Cross in Lewis and we used to holiday there every year. I used to go for the messages at Cross Stores, it wasn't called that then. Oh happy days!!! Congratulations on your 300th blog.

  74. I am a happy urbanite having lived on an island with my sheep and polytunnels, greenhouses and lochs. I feel the spirit of the islands calling to me...from inside a Ness bag!

  75. oooh that sounds totally lovely. I am new to your blog and am enjoying reading all your past posts.

  76. Fantastic idea for a giveaway someone is going to be very lucky.

    I am a new follower to your blog drawn by your artistic pictures and my envy of your way of life


  77. Jacqui, your blog is stunning and your generosity is inspiring! Claire xxx

  78. Love your blog, congratulations on your 300th post.

    Happy blogging.


  79. Hi - I found your blog as I was checking the Point Show website - and have so enjoyed your words and pictures!
    I was at the show and noticed and admired your entries.
    You may have noticed that Aird school had closed and the old photographs of schooldays were of great interest to old pupils like myself.
    I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with your peat gathering - I have great memories of days spent on the moor with peat fires and cooked picnics.
    Those were the days - I now live in Clyde Valley but visit family fairly frequently.
    Keep the words and pictures coming!

  80. Jaquci, so glad to been able to share the yourney via your blog with you over the last years.

    Congratulations on your 300th post. Wow! xxx

  81. Congratulations on your 300th post!
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  82. I am so blown away by the response to this - and to all your kind comments.
    So nice to see old friends and meet new ones too.
    Catherine - I hope you enjoyed being back home. I spent a lot of time in that room with the old photos. They were just amazing - we think we are so smart with our digital cameras, but those photographers were true artists.
    Thank you all again - comments are now closed and we are sorting out the draw - I will post the result later today.

  83. |The results are now posted. Thank you all again.
    Claire - I didn't answer your question - sorry. I use a Nikon D60 camera, and also my iphone camera if i want to travel light. xxx


Many thanks for visiting me. I love to read your thoughts and appreciate each one. I will respond to comments and queries here, so please check back xx


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